Saturday, August 14, 2010

Picking the right Path

It's probably silly to say that America is facing a do or die moment in our history. In the past, we've faced numerous problems and dangers, and every time we've overcome them. This is America, a country of doers. We are faced with problems, and we solve them.

Today, America is faced with many problems, and although there may be many solutions, there are really only two paths for our country: moving forward or staying in place.

The last decade wasn't the brightest in our great country's great history. We suffered the worst terrorist attack in history; engaged in two costly wars when we should have only been fighting one; turned a budget surplus into a deficit; and saw failed economic policies lead us into the worst financial crisis we've faced since the Great Depression. Oh yes, and we suffered the world's worst environmental disaster.

But this is America, and none of these things are going to stop us...if we make the right choices about our future. And although I don't think America is on the precipice of oblivion, I do think we are in danger of making choices that will leave us rooted firmly in the present, which, of course, will soon be the past.

Perhaps America's present course isn't perfect, but then again, what is? And if the present course isn't perfect then the alternative being proffered by some is downright terrifying. If we think the current recession is bad, imagine what will happen if we fail to start producing and investing in alternative energy. When coal and oil become the energies of the past, we'll still be addicted to them, and producing outdated equipment. When other countries are opening their doors to the best and brightest people from all over the world, we'll be throwing Mexicans out of Arizona, that is if people still believe that America is a beacon of freedom after we refuse to allow Muslims to build a mosque because it offends us. When other countries are investing in their infrastructure we will still be cutting teaching jobs because we want to control a deficit problem created by two wars and simultaneous tax cuts.

This is only one vision of America's future, and it's not the one I believe will happen. On the contrary, I believe we will get our act together and take the steps to prepare America for the future, instead of keeping us rooted firmly in the 2010.

Let's make America better today and make the tough choices that will put us on the road to a beautiful and bright future. Let's elect the people who will make those choices, and let's give them the opportunity to make a real difference. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day.

1 comment:

  1. I want to comment on Ted Nugent's use of the run-on sentence. It's almost as impressive as his gun collection and unabashedly hateful commentary.
    "This president's overtly destructive, clear-and-present-danger agenda is surpassed in transparency only by his ultra-leftist public voting record and overall lifetime conduct of consorting with the enemy as a child and student of Marxism, socialist and racist community organizer, congregant of the blatant America-hating black-theology- and social-justice-spewing Rev. Jeremiah Wright and close personal friend of convicted communist terrorists like Bill Ayers, and by his unflinching appointment of an array of communist czars, including Van Jones, Cass Sunstein, Anita Dunne, et al."
