Tuesday, March 4, 2014


It's been nearly three weeks since I last wrote, and plenty has happened. Russia is making Mitt Romney look like a foreign policy genius as Ukraine teeters on the verge of collapse; Syria is still crumbling; the House voted to pass a clean debt ceiling hike; immigration reform died; and somehow or another in a recent poll, independents are favoring Republican candidates in the midterm elections. Maybe I'm just unfamiliar with those candidates, but if they're anything like the current crop, this just means independents have gone crazy.

As much as there is to talk about, I don't intend to use today's post to go into detail on any of these topics. In fact, I'm not entirely sure that I will continue to blog at all. I'm also not convinced I will stop blogging, but the more I read and study politics, the more I realize how fundamentally broken our system is, and how my contribution to fixing it through this blog is minimal if not non-existant.

In a previous post, I laid out my views on being what I called a "leftward leaning libertarian." Since writing that post last August, I have spent much time mulling over the ideas within and trying to determine ways to be more proactive.

To that end, the blogging hiatus will continue as I pursue ways to flesh out some of my ideas and come up with solutions rather than retroactively contributing to the noise. There are enough people doing that already.

When the time comes I will reactivate this blog either to resume it or to encourage anyone who still checks it to check out what I hope will be more fruitful endeavors. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Let's make America better for today and stronger for tomorrow.