Thursday, August 5, 2010

The lies they told

Paul Ryan is a Republican House Member from Wisconsin. He may or may not be intelligent; he may or may not be a good guy. I'm not here to pass judgement on Paul Ryan...ok, that's not true, I'm going to judge a little.

During the fierce and heated debate on health care - remember that crazy law that was going to ruin our country, but since its passing has only limited the ability of insurance companies to screw you - Ryan was busy calling the then-bill a recipe for "fiscal armageddon."

So I'm judging Ryan a little, because that was a lie. Perhaps it was just dumb, but I'm ready to think it was a lie. Far from "fiscal armageddon," the new law is going to make Medicare solvent for an additional 12 years since the previous estimate. That's great news, but it's also funny news, because Ryan and his ilk were telling us that Obama was going to destroy Medicare. I even had an old woman in the airport tell me in March that she was against the bill because it would take away her Medicare.

I forgive her for being confused. The lies Republicans told were...well they were lies. Disappearing Medicare? Not exactly. The fact that this "information" was either an absolute lie or a gross miscalculation doesn't matter. In America, we can and should elect people that can figure out the numbers, and then tell us the truth about those numbers. You know, people like the ones who passed the law.

Let's make America better today and vote for those people in November. Then let's vote for them again in 2012. They're not all going to be Democrats, but they do need to be honest and smart, and we can now safely say that Paul Ryan does not fit that description.

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