Monday, August 9, 2010

Oh boy Boehner!

Remember when I explained how John Boehner hates America? Well let me explain how John Boehner "protector of the Constitution" is trying to undermine it. I could also have entitled this post "Why Lindsey Graham is (sort of) a jerk," because, despite his fortitude on issues like alternative energy, Lindsey Graham is a jerk on the topic of immigration.

Together, these two men are attempting to get rid of the the 14th amendment. That's right, the noble Constitutional defenders are attempting to dismantle the Constitution. The 14th amendment was passed after the Civil War in order to make former slaves citizens. Yes, Lindsey Graham and John "I model myself after Ken doll" Boehner are actually trying undo the amendment that made former slaves citizens.

Why you may ask? Well partially because they think they can benefit politically by advocating xenophobia and narrow-mindedness. It's sad that America has reached a point where Graham and Boehner might be right. But apparently, that's how low our great country has sunk.

Boehner and Graham postulate that immigrants (read: Mexicans) are running across the border to have children. Yes, illegal immigrants have children when they get here. No, pregnant Mexican women don't make the arduous trek across the border at 8 months to make sure their child in born on American soil, and, most importantly, Mexican immigrants are not invading our country with their newborns.

There are a few things to keep in mind here. First of all, the citizen children of illegal immigrants can't sponsor their parents for citizenship until they're 21. Maybe these illegals are good long-term investors, but it's a little far-fetched to think that they're looking 21 years into the future. Still, even if we think that all Mexican immigrants are running into Arizona just to make babies, we must still remember that people born in America are, according to the Constitution, American citizens.

Apparently, Conservatives like to pick and choose their amendments. The 2nd amendment, protects the right to "keep and bear arms." To the right, this means, assault rifles, although any mention of the types of arms is noticeably absent. Yet, the 14th amendment, which states that "all persons born and naturalized in the United States...are citizens of the United States."

That seems pretty straightforward to me. But if you're Lindsey Graham, and that awful excuse for a politician John Boehner, then apparently it's ok for you to choose which amendments you like, and which you don't.

It's a travesty that people on the right have chosen to embrace the amendment that allows people to own assault weapons, and reject the amendments that grant people basic human rights, but that's what it means to be a Republican in America today.

In fairness to Republicans, that's not entirely true. Many notable Republicans, including aides to former President Bush, and his scummy veep Dick Cheney (I have very little good to say about that chump) have come out and publicly condemned the movement by Boehner to strip Americans of their rights. Those aides have pointed out, correctly, that the 14th amendment is party of the legacy of the Republican Party. Back when Republicans cared about helping their fellow human beings, and Democrats were racist, Republicans did some notable and good things for our society. If only the Republican party now could remember and embrace the good that their party did 150 years ago instead of fear and xenophobia. This country was made great by the people who came here looking for a better life; we'd do well to remember that.

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