Tuesday, August 3, 2010

America's fearful fascination

This is why being on the right puts you in the wrong. Ted Nugent, though he may not be a good politician, or a smart person, or a nice guy, certainly knows how to spew some BS. Dumb as he is, Ted is actually the unfortunate epitome of the far right, and an example of why groups like the Tea Party are - perhaps despite their intentions - moving America backwards.

Ted criticizes any Obama supporter as being history-devoid. But it's actually Nugent himself who is using out-dated, fear-mongering terminology, sprinkled, of course, with a little hate speech. He calls the president Marxist (who cares, we won that fight), socialist (I'd bet Ted Nugent has no idea what the term even means, given that America is already fairly socialist - see: SOCIAL Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc). Of course, Ted Nugent is...well he's Ted Nugent, so he probably knows nothing about those programs.

Just for good measure, Ted accuses Obama of being anti-gun, and, even better, anti-hunting. Because it doesn't get any more American than guns - especially big ones that can kill lots of people (we need them to protect ourselves from the terrorists!) - and hunting. Ted likes guns; he hunts. Obama doesn't. Ted is an American. Obama isn't. The logic is clear and easy to follow.

America faces a lot of problems, but Ted Nugent and his ilk represent the most dangerous ones: hatred, fear, and ignorance. Ted hates the idea of progress, he seems to fear anything and anyone who isn't a white, gun-toting hunter, and, well you can read the article, he's a complete idiot. And yet, this is where we are. Ted Nugent, a man who seems to know literally nothing, can influence thousands of people with his ignorance and hate speech. And those people will tell their friends. So slowly, terrible, ignorant and dangerous ideas are spread. And America suffers. And that, friends and readers, is why being on the right, puts you in the wrong.

Let's make America better today and shun ignorance, hatred and fear. Let's make wise and rational decisions, embrace a changing world, and enact policies that will make us the leader in that world, not the country that was once great. Ted Nugent wants you to love a past that is gone. He want's you to love the values of the past, and he wants you to fear people that are different than you. What Ted either forgets or doesn't know is that America is the world's most diverse country, and the world is changing around us. We can keep up, or we can cling. Ted wants us to cling. I want us to embrace a bright and beautiful future as the world's leader and greatest country.

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