Monday, April 12, 2010

November 2K10

I keep hearing about the political doomsday that is being forecasted for Democrats in November. The TEA Partiers, jobless and angry, are on the loose. They're taking credit for Bart Stupak resigning, and they're mounting aggressive campaigns against Harry Reid.

I must admit, I'm scared of the TEA Party. I fear their ignorance and their narrow-mindedness. Anyone who has the nerve to hurl racial slurs at elected officials because they don't understand the benefits of legislation is a force to be reckoned with, and the fact that these people don't have jobs means that they have time to create chaos in the political world.

It's time we intelligent, employed people start fighting back. This blog is committed to improving our country, President Obama is committed to improving our country. If you are a true patriot, a real American, you feel the same way. It's time to make tough decisions. It's time to realize that our country faces challenges and the solution isn't too look backwards and cling to our past. We must look forward.

Right now, I'm looking forward to November and the midterm elections. Let's face it, the Republican party as it currently exists, is worse than the "Party of No." They're pandering to a movement built on discrimination and ignorance; they've fought President Obama tooth and nail on health care reform even though many of the ideas in the law were Republican ideas that they disavowed for political reasons. John McCain even had the gall to promise that Republicans wouldn't cooperate with Democrats for the rest of the year. Does that sound like the rhetoric of someone who really wants improvement for our nation? I was upset when Scott Brown was elected vowing to defeat health care. Fortunately for all Americans, Scott was forced to eat his words. It's worth pointing out, by the way, that "Armageddon" - you can thank Mr. Always Tan, John Boehner for that little gem never happened. In fact, NOTHING bad happened.

Let's make America better by fighting the lies and the fallacies being spread by the TEA Party and the fringe Republicans aligned with them. After all, you can't spell stupidity with Sarah Palin. Or maybe you can. She doesn't know though, spelling isn't really her forte.

The point is, there is only one direction for our country and President Obama has put us on that path. Whether the TEA Party temporarily derails that or not, America will move forward. Let's not give them that opportunity. Let's not take a step backwards. Rock the vote, or whatever, just make sure you vote for the right people, the ones that want what's best for our country and the ones willing to make some tough decisions that keep us going in the right direction.

And by the way, can we please get people on board the green energy train?

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