Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Crash the TEA Party!

I stumbled across something fun last night, a site called Crash the Tea Party.

This group is dedicated to taking down the TEA Party via infiltration, and I love it. Of course, while browsing on the site, I've noticed that it has already been attacked by the TEA Party; their paranoia and fear-mongering knows no bounds.

Please check these guys out. I sit here and rant but they've found a way to get involved. If we're going to keep America on the right path, we MUST beat the TEA Party. Their ignorance, narrow-mindedness and, unfortunately, ability to be heard is a detriment to the betterment of our society. As patriots, it is our duty to make America better. Fight ignorance and stand up for truth. In other words, do everything the TEA Party doesn't do.

Seriously, November is seven months away. I believe the economy will recover enough to show Americans that President Obama is looking out for us and the new health care law is a huge step in the right direction, but the TEA Party has thrown a roadblock on the pathway of progress and we must remove that obstacle and keep America on the right path going forward.

It's also worth pointing out that even the name TEA Party implies looking backwards, not forwards. I'm a history teacher and I know the value of history. History must be used to help us figure out where we are now and how to fix the problems we face currently. The TEA Party wants to return to a time long-gone when the world was a simpler place. We don't live in that world anymore and trying to cling to values that are well over two centuries old isn't going to help our country maintain it's position in the world.

Now, go crash the TEA Party.

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