Monday, September 13, 2010

Hypocrisy 101

Manifests itself in the form of Mitch McConnell, the jowly and stupid Senator from Kentucky. Mitch took his gums to the Senate floor today to advocate the indefinite continuation of the Bush tax cuts, saying, “Democrats spent the last two years putting government in charge of health care, the financial sector, car companies, insurance companies, student loans – you name it,” Mr. McConnell said in his speech, as the Senate resume work after a five-week recess. “Now,” he said, “they want the tax hike to pay for it all.”

Mr. McConnell forgot to mention that the government didn't actually take control of health care, or the financial sector, or car companies or insurance companies, or any of those things. He also forgot to mention that the banks were bailed out by President Bush (a great move by Mr. Bush), and that the bailouts have been a financial success. The government made money on those bailouts! Mitch also forgot about trying to finance two wars while taking the historically unprecedented step of cutting taxes.

The problem with Mitch's idea isn't that it's bad (not all of it). Extending the Bush tax cuts TEMPORARILY is a good idea. The economy needs the money, but extending the tax cuts indefinitely exposes McConnell as the hypocrite he is. You can't stand there and talk about cutting deficits while proposing legislation that will cost the country hundreds of billions of dollars. Actually, you can do that, because McConnell did today. And sadly, too many people believe he's right. They think the same Republicans who spent billions on wars and turned a surplus into a deficit (remember when Republicans did that? Remember how under the previous Democratic president, we had TOO MUCH money?) will suddenly fix the budget by not collecting money? Maybe I'm harsh, maybe these people aren't hypocrites, maybe math is just beyond them.

Either way, these people are probably going to gain control of at least half of Congress in November, and then America will pay for their lies and lackluster mathematical skills.

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