Thursday, September 16, 2010

Apologies to the Tea Party

So I apologize to Tea Partiers nationwide. I was wrong about you. Based on the ideas you espouse I was sure you hated America and were actively seeking to send us back in time, perhaps to circa 1790.

I was mistaken. During Tuesday's primaries, and really throughout the whole primary season, you have shown your devotion to America by nominating true idiots. With any luck, you will have achieved my goal of improving our country by making it possible for Democrats to maintain a majority in the Senate (and hopefully the House as well). Thank you Tea Party. Thank you for Rand Paul, thank you for "mama grizzly" (only in the vapid world of Sarah Palin could that ever be construed as an endorsement) Christine O'Donnell. Thank you. Maybe some of your candidates win in November, and if so, America will suffer for six years because of it, but it's clear that by electing people who previously worked for the peanut gallery, you have done what's in America's best interest, given Democrats a chance in November.

And for that, I am grateful. Great work "mama grizzly," we'll see you in November.

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