Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Blame BP?

No, blame America. Blame our dependence on foreign oil and our gas guzzling SUVs. Blame a culture that makes it cool to have a car that gets 12 miles to the gallon and has very little utility although it is sporty and is certainly a vehicle. But most of all, blame our stubborn reluctance to admit that climate change is happening and adopt legislation that will spur the development of green energy.

If an environmental disaster like this one isn't a slap-in-the-face wake-up call then I don't know what could be. With the potential for the devastation of wildlife that effects our economy, this calamity could significantly hurt Americans and the Earth. I hope you're happy Hummer owners.

So as an oil slick approaches the coast of Louisiana, maybe we can take a few minutes to think about a form of energy that dirties the air, pollutes the water and costs billions of dollars. Maybe we can arrive at the conclusion that we would be better off with clean energy produced in the United States than dirty oil that has to be dangerously extracted or expensively bought. Maybe we can determine that it's past time for the United States to take the not-as-difficult-as-it-seems step towards greenifying our economy.

Don't blame BP, blame us. We're addicted to oil. Let's make America better today and use this catastrophe to galvanize our country to action. Let's go green and let's do it right now.

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