Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My least favorite American... this guy. See him there? Spouting some nonsense on the TV? He's just got one thing to say. Yes that's right, my least favorite American is Glenn Beck.

I'm not the only one that feels this way. In fact, I've found a great, constructive site that can help you join the movement to end Glenn's lies and hypocrisy.

Right now I want to examine Glenn's 9/12 Project, mentioned in the linked article in my previous post. In Glenn's mission statement he explains that our founding fathers built this great nation on 28 principles. In fact, the founders did not mention any such principles, but rather composed a system of government and laws. From my research, it seems that the 28 principles were actually created by W. Cleon Skousen in his book "The 5000 Year Leap." There is a list of these 28 principles here although that site is linked to Glenn's movement. I scanned the list briefly and found some interesting stuff. For example, principle #12: The United States shall be a republic. The text excerpt from below this principle is from the pledge of allegiance, composed in 1892, long after the founding fathers were dead...oopsy!

Anyhow, Glenn has taken the "original" 28 principles and turned them into 9:

1. America is Good: Yes, America is good, except when we torture people, ignore the plight of the impoverished and neglect the education of significant numbers of people in our country. Listen, America is the greatest country in the world, despite our flaws. If we want it to stay that way, we need take the important and difficult steps to improve our future instead of clinging to our past.

2. I believe in God and He is the center of my life: Actually, Glenn, most of the founding fathers believed no such thing. Many did not believe in an omnipotent deity and most expressed misgivings and reservations about organized religion. "Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law." - Thomas Jefferson, 1814...oopsy part 2! God may be the center of your life Glenn, and that's fine. But he's not the center of mine and he certainly doesn't have anything do to with the government of America. Let's clear that up right now.

Don't worry, I'm not going to pick apart every principle. And in fairness to Glenn, they're not all bad...#5 If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it. That one sounds good.

The question remains though, what is Glenn's goal? It seems unclear although he speaks of a 100 year plan (and you thought health care was going to take a long time to implement!) but reassures his followers, "All of the above will culminate in The Plan, a book that will provide specific policies, principles and, most importantly, action steps that each of us can take to play a role in this Refounding."

So maybe Glenn's just in it for the money. Buy his book! That way you too can sound silly when speaking in public. I mean really Glenn? This is just too easy. In fact, there's nothing I can say that puts it any better than one of Glenn's followers already has on the site...

L4S says:

Glenn, you’re joking, right?

“All of the above will culminate in The Plan, a book that will provide specific policies, principles and, most importantly, action steps that each of us can take to play a role in this Refounding.”

Your “Plan” is another book? How convenient for you. Shameless self promotion does not mix well with the message you are trying to disseminate.

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