Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Let's (TEA) Party!

Actually, let's not, because those people are crazy. Learn more about TEA Partiers. Now fear them.

I'm not sure why it is that people don't trust but rather fear our government. Was it because you were wrongly accused of being a terrorist and thrown into Guantanamo Bay for years without a fair trial? Or maybe it was because you don't feel as though you should pay taxes but you still want to benefit from public services. Wait a minute, perhaps it's because the police searched your home without a warrant. Seriously, why are people afraid of the government?

This Tea Party movement freaks me out a little bit. Consider this quote from Richard Behney, a Republican Senatorial candidate from Indiana,“I’m cleaning my guns and getting ready for the big show. And I’m serious about that, and I bet you are, too.” This in response to what Mr. Behney would do if the midterm elections didn't turn out as he liked.

Whoa, big fella. It's not 1860 anymore. Please put the guns away. Funny that professed patriots seem ready to destroy our country over unfavorable elections results. It's a good thing we don't do this every election. We wouldn't have much of a country to love anymore.

More political poetry from Mrs. Southwell, a grassroots organizer, “The more you know, the madder you are,” she said. “I mean when you finally learn what the Federal Reserve is!”

I mean, when you finally learn! Most of us know what the federal reserve is Mrs. Southwell. And we realize that, while it is not a perfect organization, it was designed to protect consumers. Yes, it failed recently, but do you really think the nation's banking system is out to precipitate recessions and put you out of work? These things hurt the economy which in turn hurts the central banking system of the nation. Some trick they've pulled on us here. A banking system that hurts itself by hurting us. You'd think the conspirators pulling the strings would have put a little more thought into that one.

It gets better..."People are more willing, he said, to imagine a government that would lock up political opponents, or ration health care with “death panels,” or fake global warming. And if global warming is a fraud, is it so crazy to wonder about a president’s birth certificate?"

The he we're speaking of is a certain Mr. Mack, a former Arizona sheriff and a certified dummy. People may be more willing to imagine a government that would lock up political opponents or kill grandma with death panels, but they'd be doing just that, imagining. Is something going on that I don't know about? Is President Obama throwing Republicans in jail? Is he throwing Tea Partiers in jail? Was President Bush throwing Democrats in jail? How did this slip by me? Maybe it holds that if global warming is a fraud then a president's birth certificate could be. But global warming isn't a fraud. There is indisputable scientific evidence that the world is getting warmer. We won't delve into global warming now, but since global warming isn't a fraud does it then mean that President Obama is, in fact, an American citizen? Makes sense to me.

Tea Parties are traditionally for proper, sensible people. Now it seems they're attended by gun-toting conspiracy theorists who don't actually have a clue about what's going on but do have quite a bit of pent up paranoia.

Let's make America better today and combat the fallacy that our government is out to get us. Our government is far from perfect, but they're trying way harder than the Tea Partiers to make America better.

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