Monday, November 5, 2012

One last Pitch

Tomorrow is the big day, and so one final pitch is necessary to convince you that there is only one path forward for America.

I've made my pitch numerous times, so in this blog I thought I would rely on those who are more informed than I to make the case for the President.

Two days ago The Economist endorsed President Obama in an article that clearly details the president's failings - and he has them - while simultaneously pointing out that Romney is not the man to overcome Obama's shortcomings.

It's an easy case to make. The President has not been perfect, and Democratic policies are not perfect. In fact, the country would benefit greatly from a debate between a left-of-center pragmatist (which Obama can be) and a right-of-center pragmatist (which is one of Mitt's manifestations). Unfortunately we cannot count on Mitt to be reliably right-of-center, and even his right-of-center self still has lots of bad ideas - especially his social views which are more in step with his party's ugly extreme - and either cannot or will not give specifics on how he plans to do what he says he will do. I'm all about lowering tax rates and making up for the lost revenue by closing loopholes. The problem is that the plan as currently presented (yes, the day before the election) doesn't specify which loopholes would be closed, and is therefore mathematically impossible.

Is there room for Obama to be better? Absolutely. Is it possible that Romney would pick his right-of-center cloak if elected and bring good ideas to the table? Sure it is. I am a left-of-center guy, so I might not like all his ideas, but a right-of-center Romney could do good. But by and large Romeny has not picked that cloak, and because he lacks the backbone to stand up to some of the truly horrible economic and social ideas his party brings to the table, I have no confidence he will change if elected. In my opinion as a left-of-center guy, Obama has more upside, but I think it's undeniable that Romney has a much lower downside. If Romney picks the "severely conservative" cloak he tried to wear in the primaries then America is in trouble if he's elected.

There is only one route forward for America, and Obama is not the only man who can lead us down that path, but his ideas certainly suggest that he is far more likely to right the ship that Romney. Tomorrow is a big day. I hope America makes the right decision.

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