Tuesday, August 7, 2012

How Ironic is This?

Donald Trump is proud of himself for finally coaxing Barack Obama into releasing his long form birth certificate. No one else cares. Donald Trump is a clown with a bad toupee. But he did insert himself as the ringleader of a group of lunatics who were able to turn a speck of dirt into a mountain, thus convincing the president - who has much better things to do - that it was worth it to reach out to Hawaii and get the state to release his birth certificate.

No president has ever felt compelled to release his birth certificate before, but presidential candidates do traditionally release their tax returns. Mitt Romney's father released 12 years worth of tax returns. Mitt Romney so far has only released two years worth of returns.

The "scandal" surrounding this recently has been the assertion by Senator Harry Reid that Romney hasn't paid taxes in a decade. It is a bold and dangerous claim, and one that Reid has no right making without evidence, evidence which so far, he is either unwilling or unable to produce. In fact, Reid's claim is based on nothing more than information from someone he calls a credible source.

It is possible that Reid is simply making this up, and if so, he is complicit in the ugly hyper partisan politics that plague our nation. It is also possible that he was told this by someone he believes to be credible, but he is still spreading hearsay with no evidence to back it up. Depending on the scenario, Reid's claim is tenuous at best, a lie at worst.

But Romney has done nothing to disprove it, and in fact, his actions lend belief to Reid's tale. Sure, Romney does not have to release his tax returns just as Obama didn't have to show his birth certificate. The two differences here are that no presidential candidates or sitting presidents have been compelled to show their birth certificates in the past whereas candidates and presidents routinely make their tax return public, and that even prominent Republicans are calling on Romney to put the matter to rest by releasing his tax returns.

So even though I lament the state of American politics in which a handful of crazies can compel the President into showing his birth certificate, and a Senator can accuse a presidential candidate of not paying taxes, I am amused by the situation in which Romney finds himself. Hypocritical? Perhaps. But this mess is one of Republican making after all. The irony is thick. For years they howled about Obama being Kenyan or something outrageous like that, knowing all along it was nothing but a lie believed by a small but vocal group of ignorant people. Now their candidate is called into question about something that is currently speculative, but now even Republicans are beginning to doubt that Romney is clean. And just as Obama's initial refusal to show his birth certificate fueled the fire of the fringe idiots who thought he was foreign, so is Romney's refusal to release previous tax returns making people like me believe he does have something to hide.

Everyone knew Obama was born in America. The birthed issue welled up from the racial springs of a fringe group of radicals and was embraced by more mainstream people for political benefit. Whether or not Romney is hiding something in his tax returns is much less obvious, and although I don't support Reid's unfounded accusations, I have reason enough to distrust Romney already, and his refusal to be forthcoming about his taxes makes me trust him even less if that's possible.

1 comment:

  1. Reid is Right as Rain ...and Willard is all Wet.
    ‘Cause Americans have a RIGHT to see the tax returns
    of anyone who wants to be their President!
    NO if’s, ...No and’s, ...and NO big fat but’s about it! Case closed/
    ESPECIALLY with someone like Mitt -whose past and present life is
    full of flip-flops, questionable business practices, tax loopholes,
    hidden assets and investments, and who knows what else.
    Confession is good for the soul, Mitt. Even for someone as soul-less as you.
    So just Relax, Repent, and Release your Returns, Mr. Romney
    …OR… go back to Playing with your Pet dancing Ponies.
    COME CLEAN MITT: Come out of your gold-plated 10-car closet,
    and STOP with this “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” nonsense!
    No problem -we’ll understand. Unless …perhaps ….just perhaps
    …you’re HIDING something, dear Willard? Inquiring minds want to know.

    And you want even MORE tax cuts and loopholes for you and your rich buddies, Mitt? 
    WHAT GALL! These fat cats aren’t satisfied - they want it ALL ...EVERYTHING!
    But tell me Mitt, just how MANY cars and houses can you hog?
    And just how MANY silver spoons can you stuff into your smirking mouth?
    Mitt baby, you can fool some of the people some of the time,
    but -please-  take my advice: IF you just want to run for dog-catcher
    then KEEP your  precious tax returns, and clean off your car roof.
    OTHERWISE, if you wanna be our President, THEN PUT UP,
    or shut up and go away ….preferably BEFORE the convention.
    The super-rich think that they have the God-given right to do anything
    they want in this great country -while the REST of us get screwed!
    ENOUGH!!! The divine right of kings ended a long long time ago Mitt.
    And so should your sorry excuse for a candidacy.

    Nothing personal, guy. Really.
    Rich, arrogant, power-hungry Republicans are people too!
    It's just their "culture" that bothers me (as Mitt is so fond of saying).
    For making money can be SUCH a dirty business. Right, fella?
