Saturday, May 5, 2012

Romney, Chen, and Immigrants

Sometimes when you're thrown an alley, the only thing to do is oop it. Mitt Romney threw me a nice lob yesterday, so here's the inevitable throw down that follows such a pass:

Speaking in Virginia yesterday, Romney did what he does best, made a fool of himself. The man is almost too easy to make fun of, but yesterday rather than putting his awkwardness about his wealth on display, he chose to highlight his hypocrisy.

In his quest to be different from Obama on every issue, Romney took the administration to task for its handling of Chinese dissident Chen Gaungcheng, calling the whole episode "a dark day for freedom."

Then Romney really lit it up with this quote, "Aren't we proud of the fact that people seeking freedom come to our embassy to find it?"

Really Mitt? Is that what you're proud of? I find that comical since your stance on immigration is to deport all of those who came to our COUNTRY looking for freedom. I know, next time people try to cross the border let's send them all back home and refer them to the embassies in their native countries. American embassies all over the world will replace America itself as the beacon of freedom. We can build miniature versions of the Statue of Liberty atop each embassy, and just tell everyone looking for freedom and opportunity to go there.

Freedom is a great political buzzword, and I'm sure Romney thought he had a slam dunk with this one. But like most of his party, his rhetoric does not line up with reality. While Romney is busy predicting the death of freedom he is actively undermining at home with his bigoted and xenophobic views on the millions of Americans who came here looking for a chance.

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