Monday, January 23, 2012

Congratulations Mr. Gingrich

Ask and ye shall receive. I wanted a Romney alternative and I got one in the form of Newt Gingrich. Newt's win in South Carolina is a blessing for America. While Romney still may be the Republican nominee, the longer the fight drags on, the more time Americans get to see Mitt and Newt up close and personal. Mitt and Newt aren't very nice up close and personal, so a long fight is good for Obama, and thus good for America.

I applaud the people of South Carolina for giving us more time to see the damaged goods and outdated ideology the Republican party is peddling to Americans. It's too bad since Governor Romney probably would have made a great president. Unfortunately candidate Romney is classless and unprincipled - a stark about face brought about by the far right wing to whom Romney is pandering. The funniest part about it is that the far right wing still rejected Romney for Newt Gingrich.

America needs and deserves a president who will tell us the truth about what needs to be done to put our country back on the right path. We need and deserve someone who is pragmatic and strong. President Obama is not perfect, but Romney and Gingrich make him look like the second coming of Lincoln. The idea of either of those men being president is a scary thought.

There are many battles ahead before the general election, but I hope the fight gets tougher for Gingrich and Romney. America deserves better, so the longer we get to watch them tango, the more willing we will be to reject them for someone with both ideas and integrity come November.

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