Monday, April 11, 2011

Feeling inspired by Russia?

It's a sad day when I have to look towards Russia to find some future project to be inspired by, but the Kremlin is providing a vision for the future that American's politicians have lost.  According to Vladimir Putin, Russia is planning a moon base to act as a jumping point for a manned mission to Mars.  Well that's awesome.  While America's leaders fight battles over whether or not we should pour greenhouse gases into the air, Russia has come up with an exciting prospect, a way to push humanity forward, a goal to unite people behind rather than an argument to divide them.  

It was five decades ago that Russia sent the first man, Yuri Gagarin, into space. The space race that was initiated shortly before by the Russian launch of Sputnik, not only united our country, but set off an educational boom that led to the invention and creation of jobs and consumer products that spun off of space-based technology.  

Neil Armstrong's first step on the moon really was a giant leap for mankind, and it represented the collective greatness of all Americans.  What can we do as the United States of America?  What can we do with inspired vision and leadership? We can put a man on the moon that's for sure.  I don't see why we should stop there.  America is the world's leader, the rest of the world looks to us for leadership and inspiration.  Part of America's mission should be to provide a visionary look to the future.  Maybe just like last time, Russia will give us a little kick in the butt.  

1 comment:

  1. these are the stories i would like to read about on the front pages of the papers. Hopefully one day soon, America will be focusing on ambitious and progressive ventures like this. For now i think we're reserved to quibbling over planned parenthood
