Friday, November 12, 2010

Killers in the Capitol

The title of this post may lead you to believe that death panel bureaucrats are setting up shop in DC. But no, this is something far worse than death panels. I'm talking about actual terrorists. That's right, not imaginary killers, real ones!

According to a groundbreaking report on Fox News, there are terrorists IN THE CAPITOL BUILDING!! I can't believe this is happening right under our noses. I'm disgusted. This is worse than the not-mosque that is not-quite-at Ground Zero. The ignominy of it all! For shame America.

The real problem here is that Fox, like much of the American conservative movement is shackled to the past. News flash for the news station, the Red Scare is over, there is no reason to bring it back. Yes, there are some bad people out there. Yes some of them are Muslim. No we don't need to fear all of them. No they're not infiltrating our schools, our communities and our government. In fact, what the Muslim terrorists are most guilty of, is hijacking our imaginations. I know, I know, South Park beat me to the punch, but seriously, can we get over this? There are a billion Muslims! A billion! If they were really trying to infiltrate our country and "take us over" or whatever these idiots on Fox believe, don't you think they would have done a better job? Or do we believe that even though there are 3 Muslims for every 1 American (some of whom are Muslim) that they're just too incompetent to get the job done? What's going on here people? Can we really not distinguish the bad guys from the 999 million other Muslims?

The best part of this whole non-story? One guy's comment about how people would understand the danger if they were independent thinkers instead of being part of the commie collective. Yeah, that's the problem, I can't think for myself. I'm too busy being terrified of Muslims because Fox says some of them pray in the Capitol Building.

Fear is a powerful weapon and it's being wielded deftly by the political right to further an agenda of...of I don't even know what. Maybe these people are just scared. I can't imagine Murdoch, slimy though he may be, is dumb enough to sit around all day scared of his shadow because of the Muslims. Maybe for Murdoch it's a simple money game. People pay to be scared. I pay to see horror movies, some people pay to fear Muslims. Whatever the reason Fox spews this kind of poison, and whatever the reason some conservative politicians embrace it, it's deadly for America. The world is a little place. Believe it or not, you can actually build a bomb out of a toner cartridge and have it airmailed from Yemen to America. You think doing our best to isolate Muslims is going to discourage the crazies from doing that kind of thing? Or maybe our violent rhetoric just reaffirms their views and pushes more people into their camp.

All I know is that there are Muslims praying in the Capitol and I find that absolutely unacceptable. No one should be praying in the Capitol. Church and State should be separate. But that's an issue for another day. In the meantime, I have Muslims to be scared of...yikes!

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