Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Why Lindsey Graham is (sort of) a hero

The title is misleading, Lindsay Graham is sort of a hero, but so are Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins. Why? Because they are the only Republicans with the brains and the fortitude to stand up to a party that is full of hypocrite, nincompoops, and good-for-nothings (literally, the party has no ideas except to say no to the Democrats) who seem determined to turn America into a once-great country, a has-been. Lindsay Graham is perhaps the most heroic of the three because he comes from a state where he is scrutinized by the Tea Party, and so he comes under fire every time he dares to stand up for something sensible. Apparently people in Maine are somewhat more sensible that people in South Carolina, because Snowe and Collins don't seem to feel the same heat.

I feel compelled to bring this up today because Senator Graham was the only Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee to support the nomination of Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court. While his vote didn't actually matter, and while it is normal for members of both parties to oppose nominees on idealogical grounds, Senator Graham had the guts support a qualified nominee despite the fact that none of the other six Republicans on the committee would. In doing so, Senator Graham admonished members of both parties for voting against candidates because of ideology rather than character and qualifications.

Kudos, Senator Graham. You also deserve to be lauded for your efforts on climate change, as you are one of maybe four Republicans who realizes that alternative energy isn't the future, but the present. It's amusing that a party who scares people into thinking the deficit is a huge issue by playing on their fears of leaving their children and grandchildren with debt isn't willing to talk about leaving future generations with things like a sustainable economy or a healthy planet.

Senators Snowe and Collins also deserve praise today for their votes to extend unemployment benefits to millions of unemployed Americans. Not a single other Republican voted to put money into the hands of the unemployed, and therefore, put it back into the economy. I wonder what the Republican plan for getting out of the recession looks like. Maybe it involves extending the Bush tax cuts, costing the government $650 billion in revenue over the next decade. Surely not though, I mean, after all, if these people are unwilling to help millions of Americans by tacking $30 billion worth of unemployment benefits onto the budget then they wouldn't be willing to let the government lose out on $650 billion. Right? Right?

America needs opposition parties (more than one), but we need sensible opposition parties. I applaud Senators Graham, Snowe and Collins for their legitimate efforts to improve our country. I don't agree with them on all issues, but clearly, these are people who have principles - making America better - and sense. If we really do want to improve America we need more Republicans like those three and fewer like Rand Paul. Actually, we don't need any like Rand Paul, or Rush Limbaugh, or Glenn Beck. But that's another issue. Today, I want to celebrate the efforts of some people with whom I disagree. Thank you for your service to our great country.

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