Friday, June 4, 2010

Traveling abroad

Good morning readers. For the next 10 days I will be traveling in France and will be unable to post. Please do not be discouraged as I will return mid-month to engage you further. In the meantime, continue to believe that the world's best country will only become better if we take the right steps. Avoid Arizona and gas-guzzling cars. Maybe you could even take this opportunity to invest in green energy since the oil we need to power our vehicles is currently ravaging our southern coastline. Most of all, hold out hope. Smart people believe in us. Our generation is the generation of change and, I believe, the generation that will push America into the future and help us realize our potential to become the best country that we can.

While in France, I will be visiting Normandy and the beaches where thousands of Americans gave their lives to combat and defeat evil. Because of their sacrifices, we are better today. The best thing we can do to honor their memory is strive as they did to make our country a nation that espouses the ideals they died to protect. By doing so, we'll make America better.

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