Ron Paul wants to eliminate five government agencies, Rick Perry wants to cut three although he isn't sure which ones. President Obama's ideas aren't quite as drastic; he only wants to merge six.
The President has once again proven that far from being a European Socialist - a truly meaningless political term that is thrown around without any thought for how misleading and insipid it is - he is a pragmatic, moderate leader. This is a good idea politically and practically.
Republican calls for wanton spending cuts are both hypocritical and poorly thought out, but there is no denying the fact that our government is a bloated bureaucracy in need of substantial reform. The fact that there exists six agencies that can be merged into one is pretty damning evidence of the inefficiencies prevalent in government.
I find encouraging that our anti-capitatlist, pro-communist President is consulting with business leaders as he seeks to revitalize the economy, shrink the government and the deficit, and reduce unemployment. Maybe he would be more successful if he could get some help from Congressional Republicans, who undoubtedly will find a way to resist this move even while their party's presidential candidates compete to see who can take the biggest axe to the federal government.
I applaud the President's decision to combine federal agencies, thereby reducing unnecessary bureaucracy and spending. He has proven that he is willing to take difficult yet important steps that are generally anathema to Democrats such as entitlement and government reform. Meanwhile, the intractable Republicans peddle their extreme ideology and refuse to make any sacrifices to their cause - sacrifices which would benefit the country immensely. I hope they are rewarded for their services in November.
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