Tonight we will get the results of the New Hampshire Primary. The outcome will probably be less riveting though just as inconsequential as the results of the Iowa Caucus. Unless...
The most likely victor in New Hampshire is Mitt Romney, whose astronomical lead in the polls a week ago has dwindled, but not enough for him to conceivably lose. This is fine; of all the "real" candidates - and make no mistake about it, there are only two: Hunstman and Romney - Romney would probably make the best president (I actually think Huntsman would be better, but who is Jon Huntsman!?). I've read quite a few articles recently about how his inability to determine what he believes in or what he stands for could appeal to independent voters who are looking for a middle path. I would advise those independent voters to look towards the President if they want a real moderate, but that's neither here nor there.
Though I think Romney would probably make the best president, I still don't think he would make a good one. While some journalists are able to compare the man to a chameleon, able to shift his views pragmatically, I see a man who does not believe in anything unless it behooves him. President Romney terrifies me not because I think he would be as disconnected from reality as some of his conservative peers, but because I can't trust someone whose opinion is shaped by his audience. Kudos to Newt Gingrich for calling it like it is - Mitt Romney is a liar. If you are someone who doesn't trust government, Mitt Romney is NOT your man.
But Mitt Romney probably will be the Republican's man regardless of what happens in New Hampshire, and since he is the only candidate that I believe can defeat Obama, I am adamantly opposed to Mitt Romney.
So the best case scenario is this: tonight and in every other Republican primary, someone, anyone goes 12 rounds toe-to-toe with Mitt in a knockdown, drag-out fight. If Mitt wins so be it, but make the man argue his position, eh, positions on everything and let the whole country see it. With any luck he will have scared away either the Republican base - because he's not a conservative - or the independents - because he's trying to be a conservative. If this happens, America wins.
So here's to a few months worth of fight from Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich and the kitchen sink. Your country needs you now, but not in the way you think. Your presidential campaigns may be doomed, but you can still expose Mitt Romney for the man he is, or isn' one, including Mitt Romney, is sure.
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