Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Good, the Bad, and the Iowan

The Good: Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann, perhaps the two most vapid of the Republican candidates appear to be sunk.  Bachmann officially dropped out and Perry is assessing his campaign in Texas.  Two of the three most embarrassing candidates are gone, although Rick Santorum managed to finish only eight votes behind Romney in last night's Iowa Caucus.  

The Bad: Mitt Romney squeaked into first place last night.  Of all the Republican candidates, Romney and Jon Huntsman are the only two that are actually intelligent enough to be President though Newt Gingrich has moments of clarity and Ron Paul does have a well-developed worldview, well-developed and totally out of touch with reality.  The problem with a Romney victory is that he is the only candidate who can challenge Obama.  This wouldn't be a problem if Romney weren't the living, breathing manifestation of everything Americans should and do despise in a politician.  Romney is smart, no doubt, but he probably cannot spell the word integrity; the man has never met a position he won't take.  His principles are dictated by the audience in front of him.  Sure, all politicians pander to the extremes during primaries and then settle comfortably towards the center in general elections, but Romney has pulled so many flip-flops he could be the lost and found on a spring break trip.  Ron Paul might want to send American back to the Stone Age, but at least he's consistent about it.  Mitt Romney isn't sure what he wants to do, YOU are sure what Mitt Romney wants to do, as long as he is standing in front of you.

The Iowan: I don't have anything bad to say about Iowa. I've never been there, but I know they have bunches of corn. Apparently evangelical Christians aren't in short supply either.  I guess the Iowan part of the equation must be Rick Santorum's 2nd place showing.  The man who came out of nowhere riding a wave of Christian support to lose Iowa by only eight votes.  I don't like Santorum; he religious views lead him to positions that oppress women and make second class citizens out of gay people.  Nevertheless I would have liked to have seen him - or Grandpa Ron for that matter - beat out Romney, the modern Talleyrand except not as successful. 

On January 10th, Mitt Romney will probably win the New Hampshire primary as well, though here's to rooting for a strong showing by Jon Huntsman.  Until then we'll have to be content with the hope that Rick Santorum can turn his strong showing in Iowa into a victory in South Carolina and ultimately a lopsided loss to President Obama in November.  Until the Republican party proves that it can offer real candidates with real ideas, America's best hope is that the worst man wins.  Which means I've resigned myself to Ron Paul and Rick Santorum.  Sigh...

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