Wednesday, September 12, 2012

This is Not Acceptable

Last night's attacks on American personnel in Egypt and Libya are entirely unacceptable and a complete travesty. While I have nothing but contempt and disgust for those who knowingly incite violence with unnecessary and inflammatory commentary, I have even more contempt and disgust for those who lash out with violence when ridiculed or insulted.

The loss of four members of the American diplomatic corps who had committed themselves to establishing democracy in Libya is an appalling and unforgivable atrocity. The world would be a better place without the likes of Terry Jones (whose name has been mentioned in connection with the video that sparked the attacks, but who is a good example of a bigot even if he is innocent here) whose hateful words are deliberately designed to provoke these responses, but Terry Jones and his ilk have every right to be ignorant bigots. No one has any reason to take innocent lives because they are offended. No one. Not now, not ever.

Muslims around the world may be very offended by depictions of Muhammad. They may be upset that others belittle their beliefs. That's all well and good. I'm offended and upset by much of the venom and lies spewed by the Republican party, but violence is not the answer. People have a right to their opinions and beliefs regardless of whether those opinions are enlightened or bigoted. They have a right to say that they think Islam is a violent and nutty religion, and as long as even a small fraction of Muslims react to those comments with violence then the assaults will keep coming.

There is nothing to say about last night's attacks except that they are not acceptable. Any world view that espouses violence when threatened has no place in the world we should be striving to create. America can and should to continue to promote values of tolerance at home and abroad, but that obviously that includes a respect for human life above all else.

Just as my thoughts and prayers were with the families and victims of the 9/11 attacks yesterday, so today are they with the families and victims of the senseless attacks in Libya. We should salute the brave Americans who paid the ultimate sacrifice to help make the world a better place.

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