Thursday, June 28, 2012

Breathe Easy

The Supreme Court made my day today, but more importantly, they did America a great service. As I've said many times before, Obamacare is not a perfect law, but it is a good one, and it is a real attempt to fix one of our nation's most pressing issues. While the clueless go on yapping about how the government is going to force them to eat broccoli, they offer no real ideas for reform. Obamacare is an idea and a good one at that.

So I'm breathing easier today knowing that the law is Constitutional. I will admit to not being well-versed in Constitutional Law, but the people who are made a decision that is best for the country. Healthcare is a right protected by law, a law signed by President Reagan, the supposed standard bearer for the group of people claiming to represent the legacy of conservatism. Ignorant of their own party's history and having drifted so far to the fringe of the political spectrum, these people would rather see America bankrupt by skyrocketing healthcare costs or strip Americans of their right to healthcare than support anything President Obama proposes. Obviously neither of those ideas is a good one, but fortunately the Democrats - using what were formerly accepted and lauded conservative ideas - took the lead in addressing the problem.

The law has been dissected enough times already. It is a law in need of improvement, and I have no doubt that it will be improved, but today's ruling was a huge win for America and Americans, even those who think they are better off without healthcare and now fear that big brother will compel them to eat broccoli.

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