Donald Trump is a true fool, an embarrassment to himself and to America and he's not even denying it. Today, after years of speculation about whether or not President Obama is a citizen, the President released his birth certificate. Even though we've known all along that Obama is a US citizen and no president before him has ever been forced to do this, idiots like Donald Trump just wouldn't let the issue go. We all know that the "speculation" is nothing more than an underlying and perhaps even subconscious racial paranoia, but it was speculation nonetheless and sadly, the release of Obama's birth certificate probably won't resolve the issue.
Even more sadly, the issue had been confined to a group of fringe idiots until Donald Trump spent a fortune to make it mainstream. Championing the "birther" cause, Trump has spent money "investigating" Obama's birth certificate and doing interviews recently about how Obama isn't a citizen.
Rather than being sensible, Trump was a fool and today, after the release of the birth certificate, he patted himself on the back for being such a moron. Watch his statement here. Trump is honored and proud of himself for making such an issue out of a non-issue that the president finally posted his birth certificate instead of worrying about, you know, the state of the country. This wasn't even making a mountain out of a molehill, this was making a mountain out of a mound of garbage. Way to go, Trump, you're a real winner.
Trump's ego-massaging didn't end with that though. He's glad that now when he does interviews people will stop asking him about the issue. News flash Trump, the only reason you were doing interviews was to talk about the birther issue. You don't have anything else to say. The only reason you're famous is for being an asshole on your show The Apprentice and for being an asshole to Rosie O'Donnell. No one actually likes you, you're just a jerk and it's why you're famous. In order to keep that fame going, you have to find new ways to be a jerk, so you took up the birther issue. You're relieved the media will stop hounding you about this? Get over yourself, moron, the only reason the media paid any attention to you is because you took an extremist idea and threw a lot of money at it. You looked like a fool doing it and you look like a fool now and somehow you're proud of yourself about that. Meanwhile America faces a plethora of pressing issues, most of which you probably don't have a clue about. But you're a jerk with money so you create media attention for yourself.
Donald Trump is America's Embarrassment today and he is proud of it. My hope is that this "success" will propel Trump to the Republican nomination so that he can be humiliated nationally when he loses to Obama in 2012 thus ensuring that a REAL AMERICAN with REAL IDEAS about how to move our country forward will have another four years to make America better. That will be good for Trump anyhow, it will give him something else to be bitter about and then he can spend his money to further embarrass himself by being a jackass in front of the whole country.
You're fired Trump, get out.
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