Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Out of control spending

The federal government is spending at an out of control level and I'm sick of it. I don't want to bankrupt future generations with spending today. I don't want to pay higher taxes to support egregious spending. And in a few weeks I'm going to the polls to make my voice heard.

And that's why I'll be voting for a Democrat.

Fact: There has been a huge uptick in federal spending in the last decade.
Fact: The vast majority of the budget deficit now staring Americans in the face was created by Republicans.
Fact: Republican plans to reduce the budget are A) virtually non-existant and B) woefully ineffective

A few key things you should know. Between 2000 and 2006 Republicans added far more to the federal deficit than Democrats have since then. The cost of healthcare and the stimulus doesn't come close to touching the damage done by tax cuts and two wars.

The 1.1 trillion dollar Medicare prescription drug plan passed by Republicans in 2003 (yes, more than the stimulus and more than healthcare) will add more to the deficit than healthcare, the stimulus and bailouts combined.

Republicans calls to permanently extend all Bush era tax cuts would cost the country nearly four trillion dollars over the next decade. Additionally, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office ranked that proposal as the 11th most effective way to encourage economic growth. There were 11 choices. It's costly and it's pointless (as anyone who understand "trickle down" economics could have told you).

Furthermore, the Republican plan will add 4 trillion dollars to the US deficit. Contrast that to the 3 trillion dollars that President Obama's plan will add. Both numbers are high, one is higher. Whose got the best plan for our future? Who has the ONLY plan for our future?

The fact of the matter is simple. In order to reduce the deficit we'd have to significantly cut a handful of programs that comprise nearly all federal spending. Those programs include Medicare, Social Security and military spending. All three are virtually off-limits unless we as Americans are willing to make some tough choices. In all probability, we won't. If we choose not to cut spending in those realms then we will need to reduce the deficit by spurring economic growth.

So when you go to the polls in two weeks, remember which party turned Bill Clinton's surplus into George Bush's deficit. Remember who started two wars while simultaneously eliminating the government's ability to fund either. Remember which party gave us a healthcare law that will SAVE the country 100 billion dollars.

And most importantly remember which party has a plan for our future. One party still advocates for the tried and untrue policy of trickle down economics. One party wants to invest in green energy. Do you know which is which? The Republican party is fresh on outdated rhetoric but fresh out of new ideas. Keep that in mind when you make your choice for America's future.

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