Thursday, December 30, 2010
Looking back
Monday, December 20, 2010
Semper Fi
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The tracks of his tears
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Constitutionality of Healthcare
Monday, December 13, 2010
In agreement with Fox!?
I am writing to voice my intense displeasure at your recent decision to vote against funding healthcare for first responders on September 11.
It is morally reprehensible and hypocritical beyond belief to cloak your disdain for American heros behind the guise of caring about the budget deficit. You and your party used September 11th as an excuse to lead our country into a war that has cost $750 billion dollars and over 4000 American lives. You use September 11th as an excuse to deny Muslim Americans their first amendment rights to build a community center a few blocks away from Ground Zero. Yet you will not allot seven billion dollars, a paltry sum for the federal government, to help actual American heros who did far more than you did on September 11th.
The tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans that you champion will cost our country roughly $700 billion over the next decade but you find seven billion dollars worth of aid to real heros to be the straw that will break the camel’s back?
Your actions today represent nothing short of the worst our country has to offer. The hypocrisy alone is astounding, but the fact that you find it acceptable to spend hundreds of billions on an unnecessary war in Iraq while refusing to assist the Americans who helped the victims is the height of immorality. The healthcare you receive as a Senator, and which you voted to deny roughly 30 million Americans, means that you will never know what it is like to suffer as these people have. I hope next time you look in the mirror and straighten your American flag lapel you remember that your actions and your vote led to the suffering of the people you are supposed to be representing.
An irate citizen and true patriot