The term also describes the perilous American political quagmire, which has become so dirty and ineffective that Democrats and Republicans might as well be shooting at each other.
What has happened to create this gridlock? Are we, the American, people really dumb enough to elect people who cannot or will not compromise? Or, are the people we elect, really dumb enough to think that by refusing to make our country better, they can serve their own interests and the interests of their political party?
Fortunately for America, it's the latter. While we've made some bad choices, the people we've granted power have absolutely refused to wield it responsibly. It was once possible - I've heard - to disagree amicably, cooperate, and compromise. I've seen flashes of it: Democrats incorporating Republican ideas into the new health care law and Republicans crossing the aisle on important issues like alternative energy. Unfortunately, those were just flashes. What we're left with is a paralyzed system in which those who refuse to do what is best for our country are rewarded, and yes, I'm talking about the Republican party.
The unfortunate reality is that the Republican party - and I'm lumping them all together though there are notable exceptions - just doesn't care about America. Their refusal to act legislatively is no less an example of it than the "ideas" that too many of them champion.
Among these ideas you will find: Profiling Hispanics; Undoing the 14th Amendment; Refusing to aid unemployed Americans (simultaneously refusing to create demand in an economy in which there is not enough demand); and, of course, railing about a budget deficit that they created with an unnecessary war in Iraq and tax cuts that they now want (hypocritically) to extend.
When asked what they would do to improve America, especially the economy, Republicans offer tried and true ideas like, "not raising taxes." It's true that Republicans won't raise your taxes (especially if you're filthy rich), but they will take the unprecedented step of trying to fund two wars while cutting taxes. The end result of this "idea" is nine years worth of fighting in two countries and a surplus turned deficit.
Another great idea being championed by Republicans is the repeal of the new health care law. Many seem to have laid off this lately since they realize that the law - which is full of Republican suggestions (and good ones at that!) - is helping the American people. But still, John Boehner and his ilk - whose primary goal seems to be ruining our great country - still talk about repealing "Obamacare," as though that would somehow benefit America.
Armed with these lies, and in near lockstep unison, the Republican Party has waged war against America. So far, they've been mildly successful, preventing Democrats from doing what is best for America, while simultaneously making themselves appear good because Democrats can't get anything done. It's a strategy that could hurt America and Americans, but it's helping Republicans, so to hell with the rest of us.
Democrats, for their part, are, as usual, cowering under the pile of crap that Republican fear-mongering has heaped upon them. If I could donate one thing to the Democratic Party, it would be a shovel to help them dig out of the BS that Republicans have been spewing. While Republicans come out guns blazing, Democrats fire back gingerly, often afraid, it seems, to poke their head out of the trenches. The people with the ideas to put America back on track are being bullied by the hypocrites who I wouldn't trust to pet sit my goldfish. These are the people who have, in the last decade: turned a surplus into a deficit; lied about a war in Iraq that has cost hundred of billions of dollars and thousands of American lives; and fought tooth and nail to prevent a money-saving health care law that extends benefits to millions of Americans from being passed.
And yet, in November, we may very well declare that we want to give Republicans another shot. Yes, that's right John Boehner, I left you with my goldfish for the weekend while I was out of town, and you not only managed to kill it, but you dumped the fish tank water on my pillow, shattered the empty tank on my bathroom floor, and rubbed the dead fish all over the food in my refrigerator, but I'm leaving town next month too, and I'd like you to watch my new fish.
The good news is that in August 1914, the Allies stemmed the German advance and stopped the Germans from capturing Paris. August is nearly over, but maybe the Democrats will figure things out in September and start firing back; there's still time to fight the lies and reverse the trend. Because if the gridlock remains and the paralysis gets worse then we'll be peering over the tops of our trenches just like Europe was in 1914, and that's not what anyone wants. Unless, of course, it makes them look good politically.